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BlumSafe Mounting Ideas – Not Just For Walls

Is A Watch Safe Mandatory When Collecting Watches


When I developed the BlumSafe, I must admit that I just built it for myself, my own needs, and installation considerations. I was thinking about a wall-mounted situation — didn’t have any wall units or custom cabinetry in my house.

The BlumSafe had to be deeper than a typical 2” X 4” interior wall, in order to accommodate the depth of the winders. That meant that I needed to either find or build a deeper wall (i.e., 2” X 8” construction or deeper), find a 2” X 4” wall that has crawl or utility space behind it so the safe can project out the back into that space and not bother anyone, or one could partially surface mount the BlumSafe with molding around the edges where the safe partially project proud of the wall.

Blumsafe Mounting Ideas Not Just For Walls

For more information on these different options, see this support page for  Installation Notes.

What I hadn’t thought of was installing the BlumSafe in cabinetry. Kind of seems obvious, no? Well, apparently not to me. Fortunately, I have been blessed with some very creative and sharing customers. I tend to get into email or telephone conversations with a subset of our buyers, both pre- and post-sale, who wish to ask questions about installation, the product or just talk about watches (by the way, the great thing about selling a niche, specialized product like the BlumSafe is that everyone who comes to me is an enthusiast or the spouse of an enthusiast, so I have many pleasant conversations with a very informed or enthusiastic customer base). I learn things from every one of these conversations and greatly appreciate the dialog.

Anyway, the one idea I should have thought of is adding a BlumSafe to cabinetry or wooden wall units, like California Cabinet-type wall systems. It is easily done by a carpenter (or a handy owner). Some photos from owners are shown below. In other words, this is one less reason for not getting a BlumSafe!